Monday, March 10, 2008

Period 1-Mcleod

[Insert comical relief here]


My super hero's name is Astronomical cat. It has wings and can breath in space. astronomical cat looks like an innocent little kitty until it takes flight and claws you from above, there is no defense against astronomical cat. Astronomical cat flies around the world clawing, scratching, biting, and slapping really hard, the faces of criminals.

EPISODE 1: Cleanliness is super hero-liness!

Today we find our hero Astronomical Cat cleaning himself! Oh don't look at that folks, how can anything be so flexible? *MOMENTS LATER* Astronomical Cat has finally finished cleaning himself and is getting ready for a nap when, whats this? His magical yarn-ball is warning him of danger! Astronomical Cat launches out of his cat scratch mansion to find the danger! *swoooooosh* Oh no a flock of geese are badgering a badger! Astronomical Cat swoops into action! *Bam! Pow! Kablooey!* Astronomical Cat saves the badger from the badgering geese, but whats this! The badger is Astronomical Cat's badgery arch nemesis Quadrupedal Badger Thing! Quadrupedal Badger Thing Leaps at Astronomical Cat and delivers a left hook! *swoosh* Astronomical Cat takes to the skies! Quadrupedal Badger Thing gets out his badger cannon and begins launching bad lawyers at Astronomical Cat! Oh the annoying badgering! Astronomical Cat counters with his hairball cannon! Down go the lawyers, Quadrupedal Badger Thing flees the scene of the crime and astronomical cat apologizes to the badgering geese, after killing and eating one.

Episode 2: EPISODE 2!

Zzzzzz. It seems Astronomical Cat is sleeping in today, he always sleeps in on Sunday. The cries of terror heard below his lair aren't even enough to wake him, poor innocent people should stay at home on Sundays. *queue time skip music* -8 hours later- Astronomical Cat awakens and slowly stretches YYYAAAWWWNNN! Astronomical Cat goes on his morning food hunt, the villains had better be wary! Aha, after flying around for a few hours astronomical cat spots an unwilling participant in breakfast! He swoops down and steals the villain's unsuspecting hand right off of him! *munch munch* Astronomical eats the hand and flies off into the distance. Oh no! *Astronomical Cat starts twitching like he was electrocuted* His kitty senses are tingling, something is wrong in the nearby forest!

-to be continued-

Episode 3: EPISODE 2! Part 2!

Astronomical Cat flies off into the forest searching for the danger. A small flying squirrel has gotten stuck in a tree oh no! Astronomical Cat swoops down and eats the squirrel whole, thus ending its danger. *Astronomical Cat looks as thought he is electrocuted again* More danger? Will today's perils never end? As Astronomical Cat flies through the city looking for the danger he sees a fellow super hero! Cardumo is fighting fluffly-marshmellows-with-strawberry-filling-and-watermelon-licorice-of-doom. Astronomical Cat swoops down to help.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This class is rather entertaining, however, I wish I had more than one elective.
And now my text color is red.
Believe it or not, that is a birthday cake.
And I can't think of anything to type so i'm just going to babble.
Look its a link to Mr. Adkins' sprague site.